Saturday, November 28, 2009

How Trackbacks can increase blog traffic

When I started blooging I did not know what a trackback was and how to use it effectively till I come across an article by Intenet Entrepreneur Yaro Starak on blogging for beginners

So what is a trackback? A trackback is a form of blog communication that links two or more relevant blog entries together. One blogger writes a post that references another blog’s post which is relevant to his article and fills out the trackback section. When the blogger publishes the post, the blog leaves a trackback on the other blog’s post, which usually appears in the comments area as a truncated summary with a link.

Each blogging software system handles trackbacks differently. In Wordpress blogs all you need to do is include a link to the other blog’s post like I have done to Yaro Starak’s article in this post. The link to the post should be made to the trackback URL of the post.

Trackbacks are good because they bring traffic to your blog when you trackback other blogs. And if someone trackbacks your posts, it is good too because it means that the other blogger has read your blog and found something interesting in your blog. And depending on the blogging software, there is a good probability that they also made a direct link to your blog while trackbacking your post. So to summarize

  • Trackbacks bring targeted traffic to your site, and posibility increase your number of loyal blog readers.
  • Trackbacks create high quality relevant incoming links and possibly increase your site ranking in search engines.
  • Trackbacks share your ideas on the topic with the original author.
  • Using Trackbacks is an easy way to let the world know about your website.
However, I am strongly against traackback spam which involves sending trackback blindly to high ranking blogs. It is better to follow trackback etiquettes and only send trackbacks to selected websites that are related to your post.

1 comment:

  1. Imagine the buzz a million users can create. Whole political campaigns are upturned, brands become cults, a 'nobody' becomes an idol. All with the power of 'word-of-mouth'. And all online.

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